Welcome to the future of the cannabis industry!
Ür own cannabis store.
From anywhere
It all starts with Ü & where you want to be.
Share your cannabis expertise & leverage your online audience, community, and social connections; with a free, multi-vendor inventory, high margin cannabis store.
From the couch, the camper, or the coffee shop!
With no commute, & no compromises, where will you connect from?
On your terms
Whether Ü are a night owl or an early bird. Want to connect 2 hours a week, or 12 hours a day. We got Ü.
Control when & how much you work.
Consult with clients by publishing your own schedule, chatting live, or as a content creator.
You can also log in at anytime to accept live hails, from the hundreds of visitors that needs support, right now!
For yourself
When you connect with a customer, it continues.
Ütndr empowers Ü to assist the same people over time. Deepening relationships, growing your income, & building a personal brand.
Ü decide who you assist, and how.
We give you powerful, residual income generating tools, that will elevate & anchor your career in the cannabis industry.